Become a certified
#Automator | #Integrator
Discover Albato's resources, learn how to use the platform and delve into integrations to become a certified specialist.

Our courses
Who we are
About Albato
Albato allows you to integrate apps and automate business processes without coding.
We'll help you understand how our platform works so you can improve your performance!
We'll help you understand how our platform works so you can improve your performance!
Expert instructors
We've assembled the top instructors in automations and integrations to bring you the most up-to-date content.
Flexible courses
It doesn't matter if you're a newbie or if you have knowledge in the area; our courses allow you to learn at your own pace.
Free training
We've structured the best academy to train specialized integrators and automators with 100% free certification.
Become an Albato Certified professional
We offer basic and advanced courses on integrations and automations.
We have a brilliant team of instructors, an amazing community, a solid certification process, and a unique partnership program.
We have a brilliant team of instructors, an amazing community, a solid certification process, and a unique partnership program.
Basic course
We offer a basic course with an overview of the platform for structuring simple use cases.
Advanced course
We also have an advanced course on integrations for users interested in digging deeper and becoming specialists.
If you are feeling stuck or need help with something, we have a thriving community on our discussion forums.
Users who specialize can participate in Albato's partner program to provide automation and/or integration services.
Get to know us
The creators
We have a team of creators made up of professionals from different fields
who share their knowledge to help you learn about no-code automations and integrations.
who share their knowledge to help you learn about no-code automations and integrations.
Integrations Team Lead
Technical Support
Frequently asked questions
Do I need to pay to take the courses?
No! All our courses, both basic and advanced, are free. You just need to register to get started!
When can I start studying at Albato Academy?
You may enroll any day of the year. Get online and start studying within a matter of seconds after enrolling.
Do I need to have previous experience?
There's no need to have any prior knowledge to take the courses. We'll teach you from the ground up: you'll gain all the knowledge and skills you need to become a specialist.
How can I choose the ideal courses for me?
It's important that you start your journey with the basic course to get an introduction. Then, if you want to delve deeper into integrations and automations, you can take the advanced courses and get certified.